Member Policy Guidelines
1. Interventionists recognize that intervention work is often difficult and that many times may be isolating. The Network of Independent Interventionists is a networking group whose mission it is to support the work of independent interventionists through email communications, meetings, sharing of knowledge of treatment facilities, and educational programs. The interventionists are independent of treatment centers, primarily practitioners in private practice who provide direct services to individuals and their families.
2. An interventionist performs interventions on a regular basis. This includes meeting with families, companies, or others concerned about an individual involved in some self-destructive behavior who refuses to accept help, developing a plan for addressing the situation and usually participating in the execution of that plan.
3. The focus of the Network is providing support for its participants. It neither seeks a large membership nor has a desire to remain small. The network only wants independent interventionists who wish to support each other.
4. Being independent of treatment centers means that the interventionist has no financial ties to any residential treatment center through employment, retainers, or through any other arrangement that could render the interventionist partial or biased towards them.
5. The Network does not seek outside influence. We will seek out and share new treatment options and organizations. We seek to encourage and support new modalities that will enhance the field.
6. The Network has no intention of excluding people because of their business practices. It is expected that all members adhere to ethical business standards and the ethics of their individual license requirements.