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Thank You for Your Interest in the NII

Professionalism, Ethics,

Education, and Support

As a group of Independent Interventionists, we strive to increase awareness, education, camaraderie, and professional support for one another while maintaining the highest ethical standards within the industry. Being an Independent Interventionist can often be isolating. Our group is designed to offer support by sharing our experiences and resources with each other. We accomplish this by meeting annually, actively communicating on our listserv, and pooling our resources together through this website.

The Network of Independent Interventionists (NII) was started by a small group of independent intervention specialists seeking professional support, a mutual exchange of information, educational opportunities and fellowship. Among NII's growing membership are some of the most experienced, innovative, and educated interventionists in the field of addiction and mental health.

Why Join NII?


The Benefits of Joining NII

Support of like-minded professionals​

Sharing of resources

Networking, referrals, and business development

Opportunities for mentorship and learning from seasoned leaders in the field

Staying current with treatment centers

Peer-to-peer discussions

Modalities and technologies that can benefit our clients and their families

Ongoing listserv communication for case and resource consultation

Reputations of the people involved in NII

The fellowship

Ethical standards of the organization and membership

Educational opportunities available at the annual meetings

Interested in joining?

Already a site member?

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